
Labour Law Advisory

Labour law oversees the employer-employee relationship, including individual employment contracts, the application of wrongdoing and contract doctrines, and a large group of constitutional regulation on issues such as the right to organize and negotiate collective bargaining agreements, protection from discrimination, wages and hours, and health and safety. KSG Corporate Services offer a range of legal services for international and regional employers/employees in all sectors and for the entire life cycle of the employment relationship. The following areas includes but not limited to:

Our Labour Law Advisory includes:

Corporate & Commercial Law Advisory

Advisory on corporate and commercial regulations and agreements is one of our firm’s core areas of practice. We are an expert team involved in the negotiating, drafting, vetting and amending of all forms of corporate and commercial agreements. Over the years, we have advised and we continue to advise corporate houses, start-ups, proprietorships and other forms of business entities from across the globe.

Our Corporate Secretarial Services include:


Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution is a term used across both commercial and private law and in its most basic form, dispute resolution is the resolution of a dispute between two or more parties. The key methods used to resolve disputes are litigation, mediation, negotiation, arbitration, and conciliation. Litigation is a formal legal process utilising the civil legal system available to resolve a dispute.

Our Litigation and Dispute Resolution services include:

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Advisory

In September 2018, UAE introduced Federal Decree-law No. 20 of 2018 on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism, and related Regulations were issued under the Cabinet Decision No. 10 of 2019 in February 2019 comprises the laws, regulations, and procedures to curb the disguising of illegally obtained funds through market manipulation, trading of illegal goods, corruption, tax evasion, terrorism, etc. AML is targeting to identify and prevent the methods to launder the illegally obtained funds. KSG Corporate Services safeguards your business’s reputation by protecting it from risks related to money laundering and terrorist financing.

Our Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Advisory includes:


Economic Substance Advisory

Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No 31 of 2019 Concerning Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) has been introduced on 30th April 2019 as further amended by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. (57) Of 2020 on 10 August 2020. ESR compliance focuses on specific relevant activities and meeting substance test for those activities within the UAE. The Economic Substance Requirement, or ESR, regulation requires Mainland and Free Zone companies in the UAE conducting ‘Relevant Activity’ to submit an ESR Notification and ESR Report on the Ministry of Finance portal before the applicable deadlines.

Our ESR Related service includes:

Ultimate Beneficial Owner (“UBO”) Advisory

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently issued Cabinet Decision No. 58/2020 on the Regulation of Procedures Related to Real Beneficiaries (“the Regulation”), which came into effect on 28 August 2020. The UBO Regulations establish a framework for reporting and registering beneficial interests, ultimate beneficial owners (“UBO”) and professional directors. At KSG, our experienced legal experts successfully help clients to comply with UBO regulation requirements.

Our UBO Advisory includes:
